Terms and conditions

DK Tuition's Terms & Conditions

Set out below are the principal terms and conditions relating to the supply of tuition services by the Tutor to the Client.

DK Tuition acts as agent of the Tutor and following an assessment of the requirements of each assignment will source an appropriately qualified tutor and provide guidance on the tuition content. .

The Tutor is responsible for the provision of tuition services which will be delivered with reasonable skill, care and diligence.

DK Tuition will agree the hourly fee rate on behalf of the Tutor and deal with the invoicing and collection of payments.
All charges in addition to the hourly fee rate (in the event that any are incurred) will only be invoiced after they have been approved by the Client.

Payment of invoiced amounts is required to be made within 7 days of the invoice date.

Payment cannot be made directly to the Tutor.

In the event that any arranged session is cancelled by either the Client or the Tutor then notice of at least 48 hours should be given to the other party and DK Tuition

If less than 24 hours’ notice is provided in the event of cancellation by the Client, the fee relating to the cancelled session may still be charged.

In the event that a Tutor’s contract with DK Tuition is terminated for any reason, the Tutor will refer the Client to DK Tuition who will endeavour to provide a suitable alternative.

DK Tuition has no liability in respect of any loss, damage, claim or expense arising from the provision of the Tuition services.

Full terms and conditions will be emailed to the client on instruction and before the start of the first lesson.

Contact us


+44 7812104003